A really short history of how I became involved
with Ray Tracing and Graphics
Sometime around 1991, I was at my friend's house and he downloaded this PacMan
scene (Copyright © 1991 Ville
Saari) from a local BBS in South Jersey with his new 2400 BPS
modem. I did not have a computer at that time and I did not even know
that POV-Ray existed, but the image completely amazed me. I wouldn't
see another ray-traced image for several more years.
In 1994, I saw this ice cream scene (Copyright © 1994 Robert A. Mickelsen) in CompuServe Magazine. I
read the article abount POV-Ray and downloaded the program
immediately. After reading the docs and playing with the examples, I
ran into Pacman.pov and I remembered that I saw it years ago. Now it
all started to fall in place. These images inspired me to create the
puzzle models that you can see on the gallery page.